Raspunderea autorilorDisclaimer

Acest site reprezinta materializarea unui proiect la materia Tehnologii Internet.

Site-ul isi propune sa ilustreze modul in care poate fi construita pagina web a unei companii aeriene fictive, denumita ClearSky Airlines, fara insa a avea vreo legatura cu realitatea. Mentionam faptul nu avem cunostinta de existenta unei companii cu numele ClearSky Airlines, iar daca aceasta companie exista, acest site nu are absolut nici o legatura cu activitatea sa. De asemenea, toate activitatile si operatiunile prezentate in paginile acestui site sunt absolut fictive si fara legatura cu activitati sau operatiuni din lumea reala. Asa ca nu incercati sa cumparati bilete de aici :)

Autorii nu isi asuma nici o responsabilitate asupra daunelor morale sau materiale pe care utilizarea informatiilor prezente in acest site le poate provoca. Declaram faptul ca acest site nu este construit in scopuri de reclama sau comerciale. Ca urmare, nici unul distre autorii acestui site nu poate fi facut raspunzator pentru informatiile prezentate in aceste pagini.

Ca atare va sfatuim sa tratati acest site ca pe un simplu exemplu asupra modului de constructie a unei pagini web, si nimic mai mult.

Va multumim pentru intelegere !

This site represents a project for the Internet Technologies course.

This site's purpose is to illustrate the way in which the web page of an imaginary airline company, named ClearSky Airlines, can be built, without having any link with reality. We state that we do not posess any knowledge regarding the existence of a company named ClearSky Airlines, and if this company exists, this site is not related in any way with its activity. Likewise, all the activities and operations presented here are fictious and are not related in any way with activities or operations from the real world. So do not try to buy tickets from us :)

This site's authors do not assume any resposibility for material, moral or consequential damages caused by the use of informations presented here. We declare that this site has not been buit for commercial or advertising purposes. Therefore, none of this site's authors can be held responsible for the informations presented in this pages.

We advise you to take this site as a simple example of how a web page can be built, and nothig more.

We thank you for your understanding !